Thursday, May 18, 2006


It is hard to believe that I have been enjoying knitting as much as I have! Over the weekend I knit a bootie to match the "practice bootie" I knit when I first tried to knit booties. My mother-in-law wanted a pair of booties for a doll she has, so now her doll has a pair of booties to wear! One lesson I learned after making them is that the needles used my have an impact on the size of the booties, for example, my first bootie was knit on metal size 2 needles, and my second one was knit on birch size 2 needles. The second one came out larger (but that was ok for the doll, as she has one foot bigger than the other). While it could have been my tension, I don't think it was.

My bonnet is almost done. I only have about 1/2 inch left to go before I send it to my grandma to finish it for me!

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